Thursday, July 3, 2008

God's Mercy

I have been meaning to put this post up for a while but kept forgetting. Last Wednesday Barry and I woke up to find that we had a very large sum of money come out of out bank account. Well I went into freak out mode. Because of Barry not having a job it left our account several hundred in the hole. We used the money that we made at the yard sale but it still left us a lot in the hole. So Barry and I called a couple sisters and asked them to pray. I had decided that I was going to sell my jewelry to a store because gold it going high right now. Well that was a flop. I was in tears at this point. I came home to roll coins to try and get us out of the hole. When I got home I just collapsed. As soon as I hit the floor I knew what god wanted. So I said a prayer and pleaded with god to help us. Well he did. Barry's parents helped us and then I had a feeling to check Barry's unemployment. It was enough to make our house payment. Then on top of that He had a check at the Fire Department for him. I went to church that night and praised god!!! Then I got home and Barry and I decided we were going to play Bingo America (Its a live Bingo game that is free and you play and watch on the Game Show Network). Well I was talking to him on the phone cause he was coming home from fire training. God did it again. We won $50 dollars from it! I laughed and thanked god all night and the next day! God is sooo Good to me! After that we headed to Barry's parents to have a yard sale out there. God blessed us again! He gave us enough to pay another bill!!! I can't express the joy that all gave me! I just had to share!

Hope all of you have a WONDERFUL 4th of July!

Much Love!!!!


Sis. Lori P. said...

That is a wonderful testimony! I hope you all have a great 4th of July celebration over your way. God truly is good to us...

Sis. Leah said...

I am so happy to hear how God has bleesed you this far. I will cont. to keep you guys in my prayers.

Tiffany said...

I'm thankful the lord made a way for you to pay your house payment and a bill. I know i've been in the same place before and God took care of me too. He is so good to us :)

Sis. Frankie said...

What better Father could we ask for??? He is the best!