That's am by the way. I just feel really burdened and can't sleep. My mom is fine too. But today while out at Barry's parents house we found out that his car is going bad and it will cast 500+ to fix it! Not gonna happen. Plus I got home and found that my cat had been hurt and had a very bad cut and a nice goose egg on his head above his eye. That I think bothered me more then the car. Sushi, my cat, means a lot to me. My mom got him for me about a month after my dad died cause she was trying to cheer me up. It looks better now but it still is pretty nasty! And smelly which is what scares me. Then I had to pick my friend up at the airport and that would be that bad but she landed at 11:14 when she was suppose to land at 10:30. Thank god johnny and Jackie let us use their car. Ours would have died and probably not started or got us to her house to drop her off. I just feel like we can't get ahead not matter what we do. I just need prayer. I am really down and depressed. It just seems like everything is going wrong right now and I can't get control of anything.
Well I love you all and I don't mean to be a downer but who better to talk to then the brethren.
Hey Sis. hang in there. I know things look bad & I understand about the feeling of not having any control. We are actually in the same boat. We just lost both of the fuel injectors in our truck. that's a $3000.00 bill. This coming after we spent &1000.00 on my durango. On a bright note we found out some of that $3000.00 will be covered by a warranty.
I really do understand the helplessness you're feeling. I will be praying for you & I know things will look brighter!!!
Hi I am Sister Charlotte from ID. I just read your blog. I am sad for you and your cat. I will pray that the good Lord has mercy and will comfort you. Some times when I am down if I count my blessing the Lord comforts me. Feeling out of control is hard place to be in. I have been there too. The Lord was trying to teach me that I was not the one in control that he was and to have faith that all thing will work out according to his will. I love the fact that our Lord sees the big picture and knows just what we need and how to incresse our faith in him. Just know that your loved by his people and He knows all about you and has a great love for you.
PS Hope and pray you get some sleep. Things always look better when were not so tired.
Keep your head up sis and try and think of the good things around you. Keep looking to God,and remember we all are here for you, and that we love you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Ohhh you poor thing! You need a hug. And then you need to get on your knees and beg God to help you be content. Now don't get mad at me! ;+) God's probably bringing you through these things to give you an opportunity. An opportunity to see His deliverance. An opportunity to see how much we are NOT even in control! And even if you don't see His deliverance and things get worse...will you still serve Him? Now I'm not saying that we don't all need to cry our eyes out every once in a while and God probably understands that about us women. But if there's a mountain up in front of you (okay maybe it seems like several!)this is a great time to prove your love for our God and be a woman of faith. My prayers will be for you that God will deliver you and that your confidence in Him will grow and grow until you are sure He is in control and will be able to say, "it is well".
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