Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rings of love

I seen a picture on one of the other Sisters blog and I loved it so much I had to recreate it. I hope you enjoy. I plan of working on this and perfecting it and I will show you what i end with. It may take a long time cause I found my camera was focusing on the words and not the rings. I have to figure of for it to focus on both the rings and the word. Hope you all enjoy. and let me know what you think.


Sis. Leah said...

I like it. I think I will have to use this picture and make some for myself!!!!

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

Sweet, i was wondering if that really would work! I like it better being in the bible instead of the dictionary. :)

Tiffany said...

I love it! Good job :)

Jackie said...

Very nice! You are so creative(unlike me)!

Sis Stubby said...

I like that.You do have a creative side.You do beautiful work.

Sis. Lori P. said...

Sweet! For our 25th wedding anniversary, The Dad had a ring made for me with our birthstones together in a heart and then all the kids' birthstones on the sides...well, when we had our family pics taken last Saturday, we took a pic with my hand with my ring on and all the kids' hands around mine. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Sister D said...

Hi there:) I'm Sister Dayna from Oregon. I've been reading your blog but realized I've never posted and introduced myself! I saw that pic on Raines blog and wanted to try it myself. Glad you did! I wanted to testify of something you brought to my mind (in your previous post)that I hadn't thought about in years. My daughter used to have really dry fingertips and feet in the winter so that they would peel and crack too no matter what lotion or salve I would try but God has had so much mercy and taken it totally away that I had almost forgotten about it until you asked for prayers. Thank you for the sweet reminder! We'll sure be praying.
Lori, that will be such a sweet picture :)