Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Wedding pictures

In the video you will see Sis Jana with a bottle. I just wanted to let everyone know that it was sparkling grape juice. It looks kinda bad if you did know what it was. But it was just grape juice. I hope that this video brings as much joy to the viewer as it does me!

Please enjoy!


Sis Stubby said...

O.K. You made me laugh & then Cry , Then Laugh.
That was beautiful. I know I was there but setting here looking at mad4e you relize how it was.
i know I will stop for now.LOL

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

Looks like you had a really sweet wedding! You two look so in love. :) Thanks for sharing that with us =D

Sis. Lori P. said...

THERE is Sis. Jana! I've kept looking for her on all of you girls' blogs and haven't seen her yet! Please send a special "Hello!" to Sis. Jana from me! Tell her I've been looking for her blog too...? And the video is wonderful thank you for posting it. What a special day for you and all your loved ones...

Tiffany said...

Thanks for sharing the sweet video! I loved it =D