Friday, June 13, 2008

God is great

Alot of you know that Barry was laid off a while back and money is really tight! Well let me tell you God has blessed us 10 fold. We have gotten closer as a couple and closer to God. We really have been praying alot.
To start it all off, a little background for those who don't know, Barry and I couldn't get approved for an appartment so when mom offered us the house we jumped on it and look at it as a blessing from God.
Well I also suffer from sever anxiety and I really didn't think that I could make it through the wedding planning and the thought of loosing my mother who had become my best friend. After my dad died my mom and I grew very close, and the thought of loosing her just tore me up. Well Again god is wonderful and I got through the wedding with only a few tears. God is awesome!
Another blessing was that barry and I were trying to get our tv switched so that we could get the internet so that he could apply for job (apperently no one believes in paper applications anymore). So we thought hey lets go comcast. Well that was a trial. SO we ended up not going through them because they were just HORIBLE to us...we found out why later. Well we decided to go throught att u-verse. Well the guy came out to install it and he couldn't because out house wasn't grounded. So Barry called up Bro Larry and asked him to come help him fix it. We thought this would be a quick fix. 5 hours later after finding out the wires were wired wrong and it was sparking in the attic next to insalation and when you turned on the bathrooom fan it turned on the living room lights and the computer (highlight of my day let me tell you I laughed so hard) Barry's parents decided to call in an electrition. Well needless to say they are not cheap but thanks be to God we found a cheap one. When the guy got to our house he was compleatly stumped, now that was comforting! lol Well he found out what was wrong and said it was a miricle that the house was still standing! Again God blesses us without us even knowing.
Now for the real reason I started this post. We went to get gas today. 4.19 a gallon. I was depressed. I knew that at 3.19 it only gave me a 1/2 tank for $20. We I began to pray and so did barry that $35 would fill the tank. And I will tell you know that God allowed it to give us 3/4 tank. MIRICLE.
Also our pool got MAJOR green and I was stressing because I didn't know what to do we didn't have the money to fix it and I knew that with the water just standing there it could allow masqetos to grow. We went to the pool store to get what we could and 5 hours later it was begining to clear up. That is just awesome to me.
Do please keep us in your prayers. With the economy the way it is jobs are hard to come by. We are making it by the grace of God but we do need prayer that He can find a job!


Sis. Frankie said...

I'm praying for both of you. It gives me great hope to see you both striving and giving God praise for the blessings and miracles you have received. I know it's hard right now, but keep on keeping on. Jesus paid the price and we can get the reward. We are truly blessed!!!

Sis. Lori P. said...

Hi Sis. Krissy, I missed your blog in the first round of introductions so here I am saying hello and I'm excited to get to know you through your blog. Trials are very worrisome and hard to go through, but you are right, they bring us closer to God and our loved ones. I think with things getting tighter financially for everyone it will be a good thing for us all to need God more and more each day to just make it through. Keep the faith and we will be praying for you and your husband!

Jackie said...

I am thankful for the grace you have shown during this time and we will and have been praying for you guys!

Sis. Leah said...

I am and will be keeping you two in my prayers. I know what you guys are going throught tring to find a job. Just continue to keep your heads up and look to God for answers.