Monday, June 16, 2008


If you have seen the new Dragon Ball z commercials you'll get the title.

I hope everyone has had a good day. I know I have. The weather here was beautiful. I got to spend all day with my mom and I haven't got to do that since March sometime. I really miss my time I have with her. She has been a major blessing to me. And I will admit that I have had a hard time learning to share her. But I am getting better at it.
I really don't know what to type but Barry told me to so I am trying to listen. He just wants me to leave him alone while he plays his vider games (video games). lol I love him so much!
So I just wanted to let people know that god has opened a few ways for me to get money. Some people have offered me to clean their house and they will pay me. I thank god for that.
Barry wanted me to ask prayer for him. He has EXTREAMLY dry feet and he has 3 really DEEP cuts on his feet. He says they hurt real bad. SO please pray for him.

Well I really don't know what to type so I will sign off for now.


Sis. Lori P. said...

You are so cute! My younger boys would know exactly what your blog title means! They were big Dragonball Z fans in their days... Sometimes it's hard to know what to write on your blog, I just pray that the Lord will help me write something that would be edifying and lift up the sister's who are my bloggie friends. Cleaning house is a great way to earn money...good for you!

Kristen said...

Hi sis Krissy, its nice to see you blogging! Im sis Kristen from oregon...your blog's so cute the part about the video game made me laugh I know exactly how that feels :) anyway nice to (internet) meet you!!!