Saturday, September 27, 2008

In My New Home

Hiya everyone. I am not in my new home. Well kinds. The old house still needs to be emptied out more but it's going to take some time. Well I love the nature out here. i love the little chipmunks and all the other little creatures you see. I must say that since I was born without an internal compass I get lost super easy and I can't get to the same spot more then once. It doesn't help that barry never takes me the same way. He says that he is helping me learn my way. I say he's confussing me! Its all good though. His parents are super nice for letting us move in with them. Oh my cat is loving it to. He and the other cat are really sure about eachother but they are atleast letting eachother be for the time. I still have to find a way to get my fish out there. Oh well.

Well I gotta book it we are going to watch Barry's cousin play football. Thats a whole other story that could use prayer. Well Love you all!


Sis. Frankie said...

Girl,your typing is driving me crazy. Well, further crazy!! Your internal compass has to be there. Your Daddy and I could do pretty good. Hey, go to google maps and look at the area with the satellite. That's how I find my short cuts!!

Love ya!

~sis jana~ said...

lol! I was tickled by the typing too. I'm missing my compass too! The google map REALLY works! It's like, once you see it from above it's easier to picture where your going in your head as your driving! I'm glad that Barry's parents are so super good to you and letting you live there. Tell them I love them for it! You will enjoy the small wonders of country living after being a city girl all your life. It's a wonderful, peaceful, way of life. I love you! See you later!

Chelsea said...

I'm gonna miss you guys from across the street...but I'm glad you're doing good.

Sis. Lori P. said...

Hi! I'm thinking I might actually get to read all the blogs again now that the Tea Party is over and life is settling down. So you are out in the country? Nice. Big cities are not for this gal, I'm laughing that you girls have to look at google maps to see a shortcut. But you know, it just might work! It's just that out in farmland, there's not too many places to get lost. Are there any hills to orient yourself with? That's my way of navigating. The ocean is opposite the hills, I live in between those hills and so there ya go! Hope your fish will be happy too in their new home! Are your husband's parents in the faith? Maybe the Lord is going to use you two as a way for them to hear about the faith?

~sis jana~ said...

Where are you? I miss you! :(