Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wow its been awhile.

So thought it was about time to say HIYA! lol I keep forgetting i have this blog. I really don't know what to say. I am used to writing one sentence and having that make since of my life (facebook :P) Its a new year and I am a year older, as of January 4. I really wasn't looking forward to my birthday this year. I felt like I was 26 and what do I have to show for that. But I am married to a wonderful man who may or may not be a little rotten around the edges. I have a wonderful family (church is included in that family). I may not always like what i have to eat but there is food on my table. My clothes may be tattered but i have cloths to keep my warm. I have a very Special cat that i feel god brought to me. I was so heart broken when I had to put simba down but little Jinx has made me smile so much that it hurts less. If you haven't seen pictures of him hes a vampire cat lol. I will post some at a later time. God has been so good to me and if I would just stop pitting myself for one second I would see all the blessing God has given me. That is my short coming. I don't stop to smell the roses I dwell on picking at the dead ones. I need work on that. I really enjoyed church last night. It was an eye opener for me and I pray that I keep that in mind and change the things in my life that I need to. Well look at that lol I didn't have anything to say and now i have a mini novel :D Please keep my Mother-in-law in your prayers she has broken her ankle and it isn't healing correctly. I love you all and sorry I have been MIA for so long. Byea! i went ahead and added my pic. LOL See his fangs lol